Monday, November 25, 2019


by Bob Walsh

It seems that the FBI is NOT convinced that Jeffrey Epstein hung himself in his cell. Kathleen Hawk Sawyer, Grand Poobah of the Federal BOP, told the Senate Judiciary Committee a few days ago that the feds are looking into the possibility his death is related to or part of a 'criminal enterprise."

I am still betting on the whole thing being a string of one fuck-ups after another, which is not exactly an unknown thing in a large, reactive and not too bright bureaucracy. It took a string of about five things coming together at the same place and the same time for this to happen. Is it more likely that was a visit from the fuck-up fairy, or part of some grand conspiracy to silence Epstein?

I am guessing on Option One. That being said you can bet those two correctional officers are going to get their lives analyzed to the point that if $50 showed up in their bank account three months ago without adequate explanation they will be prosecuted under RICO.

Like I said, I am going with Option One. That being said, I am not saying Option Two is bullshit. Merely less likely.


Dave Freeman said...

I'm with you on this one Bob only...Only I feel more strongly about your first theory. We've both spent enough time working in prisons to know how unlikely it would be to access a prison cell in a large secure facility, strangle an inmate, and have that go unnoticed.

bob walsh said...

True dat. No matter what, you have to have keys. Access to keys is strictly controlled on first watch. Once you allow for that a WHOLE LOT MORE people have to be involved.