Friday, November 22, 2019


It Is, However, On Life Support

by Bob Walsh

On Wednesday night, at UC Berkeley, conservative lightning rod Ann Coulter gave a 30 minute presentation and answered questions. A previous presentation by Ms. Coulter was cancelled due to a combination of fears of violence and the imposition of a confiscatory "security fee" that the University wanted to charge for her presentation. Due to pressure by the federal government and threat of lawsuits, the University finally relented.

Six protesters were arrested inside the venue. The interesting thing to note is they were not there to protest her speaking, they were there to prevent her from speaking. There is a huge difference. They were not successful obviously.

I used to live in the Bay Area. I graduated from high school during "the summer" (1967). I spent a lot of time on University Avenue, at the Print Mint and Cody's and poking around the music and political scene. They actually believed in free speech then. After 50 years of political indoctrination most public universities are now foundations of fascism of the left. Only speech they like is protected, anything they don't like is "hate speech' and they work has hard as they can to prohibit it, by either legal or illegal means.

It is truly sad.

1 comment:

Dave Freeman said...

Ya Bob. UC Berkeley was the birthplace of the Free Speech Movement. Kind of Ironic, don't you think?