Wednesday, November 27, 2019


by Bob Walsh

U C Santa Cruz has announced they have found a three times higher mercury concentration in the mountain lions in their area than in the mountain lions in the inland areas of the formerly great state of California. The suspected cause.....FOG.

They think (or at least want us to think) that the fog is leeching mercury out of the ocean and depositing it in coastal areas where it makes its way into the flora and fauna. They think the mercury originates with the burning of coal. (Think China and India.)

Just make sure you don't eat any mountain lions you might happen to shoot. It could be bad for you.


Trey Rusk said...

I remember visiting Big Sur when the fog rolled in. Dense fog apparently filled with mercury.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Ah, that mercury poisoning explains why you so often disagree with me. I owe you an apology because all the time I thought it was because you had your head stuck up Trump's ass.

Trey Rusk said...

Howie, My generation didn't have child proof anything. Lead based paint, no seatbelts, no car seats and smoking parents. So, It could be a number of things that have contributed to my poisoning. However, I do not suffer from Head in Ass Disease.

What the Boomers did have was a great fear of disease because we could see Polio, diphtheria, and whooping cough. We were vaccinated.

I disagree with some of your comments because you are pessimistic.

I try to read your blog every day. You're comments are very entertaining.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Trey, you know I love you! Have for years and years and will continue to do so till the day I croak.

Us mature folks all experienced lead based paint, no seat belts, no car seats and smoking parents plus a shitload of other things that are supposed to kill us. I stopped many years ago, but I used to smoke cigarettes, cigars and a pipe. I eat all the things my cardiologist says I should not eat. And I'm at least 15 pounds overweight because of the way I eat.

According to all the research, I should have croaked years ago, but here I am nearing 93. I don't know if I'll make 93 or not, but it's been a great ride and fuck all those doom and gloom researchers.