by Bob Walsh
Today is the Winter Solstice. At my home it occurs at about 8:24 pm, give or take a few second. Plenty of time to sacrifice a cat to the sun god.
I hope all you poor deluded Christians will remember to give a brief nod of thanks to us Pagans, or at least an apology for the appropriation of our holiday. We don't really mind too much, Pagans as a group are a very easy going, ecumenical lot. We would, however, not mind a little "Thank You" once in a while.
Ho Ho Ho.
Well, that explains that.
I wrote it up a little light this year. Didn't want to hammer the poor Christians too hard. Just the spirit of the season I guess.
Several years ago, I attended a trial where the District Court Judge swore a fella in with a Bible and the "So help me God." The witness stated, "I don't believe in God." So the Judge swore him in without the Bible or "So help me God."
I believed his testimony but in my opinion he wasn't received well by the jury. I think Pagans may be up against it in some circumstances. Especially in the Bible belt.
How do they swear in Jews and Muslims?
Good question. I never worked as a bailiff but I believe the oath is given without the Bible or "So help me God."
Most of the urban area courts may not use a Bible anymore. People are asked to raise their right hand. My last testimony in a criminal trial was in a county of nearly
half a million folks. It has been a over a year ago and I was recently retired. The Bible was not used but upon instruction I raised my right hand and simply said, "I do."
Having worked in several parts of a state that has 254 Counties, I would think that at least 195 would still be considered rural.
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