Saturday, December 21, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Today is the Winter Solstice. At my home it occurs at about 8:24 pm, give or take a few second. Plenty of time to sacrifice a cat to the sun god.

I hope all you poor deluded Christians will remember to give a brief nod of thanks to us Pagans, or at least an apology for the appropriation of our holiday. We don't really mind too much, Pagans as a group are a very easy going, ecumenical lot. We would, however, not mind a little "Thank You" once in a while.

Ho Ho Ho.


Trey Rusk said...

Well, that explains that.

bob walsh said...

I wrote it up a little light this year. Didn't want to hammer the poor Christians too hard. Just the spirit of the season I guess.

Trey Rusk said...

Several years ago, I attended a trial where the District Court Judge swore a fella in with a Bible and the "So help me God." The witness stated, "I don't believe in God." So the Judge swore him in without the Bible or "So help me God."

I believed his testimony but in my opinion he wasn't received well by the jury. I think Pagans may be up against it in some circumstances. Especially in the Bible belt.

bob walsh said...

How do they swear in Jews and Muslims?

Trey Rusk said...

Good question. I never worked as a bailiff but I believe the oath is given without the Bible or "So help me God."

Most of the urban area courts may not use a Bible anymore. People are asked to raise their right hand. My last testimony in a criminal trial was in a county of nearly
half a million folks. It has been a over a year ago and I was recently retired. The Bible was not used but upon instruction I raised my right hand and simply said, "I do."

Having worked in several parts of a state that has 254 Counties, I would think that at least 195 would still be considered rural.