Saturday, December 21, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Unless something strange happened last night the U. S. Military now has a Space Force Command. It exists as a substructure within the Air Force in much the same way as the Marine Corps exists within the Navy.

They haven't figured out if it will be headquartered at Huntsville Alabama or Colorado Springs (Cheyenne Mountain). The commander of Space Force will have a seat on the JCS. Much of its job will be the protection of our satellite infrastructure.

I don't know if I see it more as Starship Troopers or the Rebel Alliance against the Evil Empire, or Mathew Broderick in War Games. How about a theme song? That is important. Drone Pilots against the ChiCom menace. Team America ?

The mind boggles at the possibilities.

EDITOR'S NOTE: They'll have to do without Luke Skywalker for awhile. Luke got busted in Texas for possession of pot.


Trey Rusk said...

I heard it will be based in Roswell, New Mexico. Heh, Heh.

bob walsh said...

Maybe it already IS based in Roswell.