Thursday, February 27, 2020


by Bob Walsh

A female enlisted national guardsman will soon become the first female Green Beret. Baring some serious training accident or other problem the woman will graduate as an engineering Sergeant. The military is refusing to release any further info on the soldier, citing security concerns.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Waiting for the first transgender Green Beret.


Trey Rusk said...

I have tried to comment on this blog twice. Google did not let it happen stating there was an error. My other comments on this date went through fine. My comment had to do with transgender in the military. I guess I went too far.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Try, try again, Trey.

Trey Rusk said...

I have been around Special Forces Operators. They are task driven. If the task is to assault a target and kill it will be done and done right. If they need proof, his head will be thrown in a sack and trudged out. If the task is to get drunk and fuck a Hoochie Mama, they will complete their mission. They are wound up tight. The longer they are on a mission in a foreign country the more hard core they become. IMHO, If a transgender named Sal joined a unit and stayed long enough in the bush, Sal may soon become Sally.