Friday, February 28, 2020


With A Little Help From The U. S. District Court

by Bob Walsh

Regular followers of such things might remember that at about this time last year the Los Angeles City Council passed an interesting ordinance. This ordinance required that all persons who applied to do business with the city, or who in fact did business with the city, and who were also members of or supporters of the National Rifle Association had to disclose that fact to the city.

The NRA sued. They won, which should come as no great surprise to anybody who understands civil liberty and the First Amendment. The U. S. District Court ruled that the city could NOT enforce the ordinance and ordered the city to pay legal costs to the NRA. The city attempted to moot the issue (in much the same way that NYC attempted to moot their issue currently before SCOTUS) by withdrawing the ordinance last month. They were unsuccessful in their effort. Had the court dropped the case the city could have simply reinstated the ordinance. Now they can't.

The court is now determining costs to nail the city with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Cal. court making a correct decision, amazing.