Thursday, June 18, 2020


by Bob Walsh

The SF Board of Supervisors is placing an interesting ballot initiative on the November ballot.  This would, if passed, levy a "fairness tax" on companies whose CEOs earn more than 100 times the average wage of the average grunt at their corporation.  The tax would be 0.01% of the gross receipts of any company with a gross income of more than $1.7 million.  It is expected this would bring in at least $60 million and maybe as much as $160 million a year which the city plans to spend to attract more homeless bums, winos and criminals to the city.

Then we get to the Prisoners of Larch St.  There is a semi-permanent tent city of criminals behind their homes and apartment buildings.  These tents make it almost impossible, and at times actually impossible, for residents to get their vehicles in and out of their garages, most of which open into the alley and not onto the street.  Many of the locals are elderly and need access to their vehicles for shopping, medical appointments and other important shit.   

The property owners are filing suit next week to COMPEL the city to break up and move out the homeless encampment, which the city enables with city paid porta-potties and semi-permanent homeless outreach advocates.  The homeless tenants seem to have one regular job, bicycle thievery.  They have access to power tools to cut high security bicycle locks.  They do it so regularly that the sound has become a significant quality of life issue for the actual paying tenants.  That along with the regular fighting, shouting, dogs barking and other accompanying bullshit.   

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