Monday, November 22, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Maybe it's just me (though I don't think so) but I sincerely hope that Rittenhouse sues the living shit out of all those woke assholes who pronounced him a white racist murderer, including Joe Biden, who was at the time running for president.  I know members of congress can not be sued for statements they make on the floor of congress, but that can be sued for statements they make in other places.  It is hard to sue the media but Sandman did it successfully as did Richard Jewel.  

Maybe if those media operations get kicked in the wallet a few times HARD they will figure out that WANTING something to be true is not the same as it being true and that defaming honest citizens, especially minors, has some dangers attached to it.


Dave Freeman said...

We can hope.

Trey said...

The worm is turning.