Tuesday, February 08, 2022


Maybe Probably Except For .......

by Bob Walsh

The God Emperor of the formerly great state of California, Gavin "I HATE GUNS" Newsom, is about to decree the end of the state mask mandate effective next week, probably.  Schools would be exempt for the relaxation and would health facilities and other exceptions as well.

I also noted this morning that some of the Harris-Biden administration talking heads are now dancing around with the idea that they NEVER WANTED poor little kiddies to have to wear masks at school and that it has definitely had a negative effect on the crumb snatchers and it is very dubious from a risk-benefit assessment point of view and they should revert to parental wishes.  

Except in LA where they want the whole world to wear masks.

The Governor's newest brainfart would NOT have any effect on local governments who wish to continue local mask mandates for any reason or, for that matter, no reason other than the fact they get off on the power..


Trey said...

I was recently asked to put on a mask in a retail location. I refused. Then the clerk tried to give me a FREE mask to wear. I refused again. There is no mandatory mask wearing in Texas. She has now been informed.

That was incorrect. Airports still insist on masks being worn or you don't fly. The good news is SW Airlines is going to start serving alcoholic beverages next week. I still have free drink tickets left over from last year.

Dave Freeman said...

But will you have to drink your drink with a straw through a hole in your mask?
And...If you want to require your own kids to wear their masks while in school...that's still ok...right?

As I understand it...the Biden administration wants to send M-95masks to ALL of us...just so we can have them to use at all times. That is so cool. Our tax dollars at work.