Wednesday, February 02, 2022


Indiana attorney general says BLM's 'house of cards' starting to fall - as activist group shuts down fundraising after being threatened with legal action


Daily Mail 

February 2, 2022


Indiana attorney general says BLM's 'house of cards' starting to fall amid financial

Indiana AG Todd Rokita (left) slammed Black Lives Matter (Indiana BLM protestors are pictured top right in 2020) Wednesday, comparing the charity to an 'illegal enterprise' whose 'house of cards' is about to fall. He said BLM's lack of financial disclosure echoed 'patterns that scams kind of universally take'. 

Rokita would not confirm if Indiana is investigating the charity, but noted reports on the organization's finances 'certainly cause us to be concerned'. His comments come as the California DOJ has threatened to hold BLM leaders (BLM co-founders Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi and Alicia Garza are pictured bottom right) of personally liable over the charity's missing financial records. 

The organization is also forbidden from collecting donations in California and Washington due to its 'lack of financial transparency' but continues to do so.


bob walsh said...

It would be so much fun if a bunch of those people went to the slammer for fraud.

Trey said...

Could Millions have been deceived including major corporations? Where did the money go? Cities burned, lives ruined and it turns out BLM was just another criminal enterprise? Say it ain't so.