Friday, February 04, 2022


by Bob Walsh
                                 Get out of Jail Free card

Maybe it's just me, but am sick and tired of listening to people "investigating" to find the root causes of migration, illegal immigration, crime, or similar social problems.  Mostly it isn't really that hard.

Ask anybody who has ever worked within the system.  The overwhelming amount of crime is committed by repeat offenders.  They are not mechanics or roofers or retail clerks who, on occasion, commit a crime to buy bread for their family.  They are people who describe themselves to themselves as criminals.  They commit crime because they think it is glamorous, or they would rather steal your shit than earn money to buy it themselves, or they get their rocks off by scaring other people. It really isn't rocket science.  Mostly, they do it and keep doing it because we tolerate it.
A family of migrants scaling a wall.
Border czar Kamala Harris: "Bienvenida a los votantes para los Democratas."
Same thing with migration and illegal immigration.  People migrate because they are reasonably sure it will be better for them where they are going than where they are.  Mostly they are right.  Illegal immigrants, at least to this country, often pay smugglers lots of money and put themselves and their families at great risk to come here because they believe that, even as illegals here, they will be better off than where they were.  Their kids will get free education.  They are likely to be at least tolerated in this country and maybe even welcomed.  They will get some level of decent health care.  Elected officials will declare that they are part of the legitimate constituency and work to help them even though they are here in violation of our laws.  Some of them are criminals and will continue to be criminals here.  It is much nicer in prison in the US than it is in Mexico or Guatemala.

It is kind of like raising a puppy or a child.  If you put up with bad behavior you will get more bad behavior.  It really is that simple.   

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