Thursday, June 09, 2022


By Bob Walsh

                                 Justice Brett Kavanaugh 


The United States Marshall's Service arrested a man Wednesday who confessed that he was there to murder Kavanaugh to keep Roe from being overturned.  He was armed with a pistol, a knife and various other accoutrements.  He was from CA and traveled east to accomplish his task.
As an interesting historical aside, back in 1889 SCOTUS justice Stephen Field was in Lathrop CA (at the train station, having lunch) when he was attacked by David Terry, who had been a CA Supreme Court justice and had threatened Field.  Terry was shot to death by U. S. Marshal David Neagle, who was promptly arrested by the local S O.  This was the federal case, in re: Neagle, that established the primacy of federal law over local law.  This is one of the two significant things that ever happened in Lathrop, CA.

The second was that, contrary to what the history books say, the transcontinental railroad was completed in Lathrop in 1912.  The history books say that it was completed in Promontory, Utah decades earlier.  However, that railroad ended in Oakland.  An elementary knowledge of CA geography will tell you that Oakland is NOT on the coast but is on S. F. Bay.  The final spike was actually driven into a railroad bridge over the San Joaquin River which allowed train traffic to actually go thru to San Francisco.  That is about two miles from the prison where I used to work.

You are welcome.

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