Wednesday, June 08, 2022


Boudin’s recall shows voters are fed up with the chaos fueled by soft-on-crime DAs — like those backed by Soros 


June 8, 2022




 At one time the 800 pound Soros had 75 offspring prosecutors nationwide


Progressive prosecutors who back criminals over public safety have fueled chaos and lawlessness in cities across America, and now even left-leaning San Francisco voters have had enough: On Tuesday, they booted their progressive District Attorney Chesa Boudin in a 60-40 landslide recall election that should be a warning to similar prosecutors nationwide.

Many of those radical DAs — Chicago’s Kim Foxx, Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner, Los Angeles’ George Gascón, New York City’s own Alvin Bragg — came to office with the help of cash (more than $40 million since 2014, per one estimate) from billionaire George Soros, who essentially seeks to end consequences for crime.


Now their cities are paying the price: In LA, crime’s up 12% this year; Philly, 22%. In Chicago, major crime has soared 34%; New York, 43%.

San Francisco voters were sick of it. Sick of rampant homelessness and drug-dealing on the streets, the spike in murders (37%) and burglaries (45%) under Boudin and the endless break-ins, property crimes, shoplifting and auto thefts.

And they linked it all, rightly, to their DA’s radical view of criminal justice, including bans on cash bail, tough sentences for perps and prosecutions of older youths as adults.


Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. BraggManhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg has also drawn criticism for progressive policies


Boudin “is mismatched to his job description of prosecuting habitual criminals and working with the police,” fumed one Democratic voter, Maureen Hurley. “He was a complete failure.”

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin and his wife, Valerie Block, leave an election night gathering Tuesday, June 7, 2022, in San Francisco.It's adios Chesa. Boudin and his wife, Valerie Block, leave an election night gathering after being recalled on June 7, 2022


Indeed, even after his humiliating loss, Boudin refused to accept the election’s message: The vote was the result of “a Republican- and police-union-led playbook to undermine and attack progressive prosecutors” nationwide, via “fear-mongering and recalling,” he weaseled.


Cook County State's Attorney Kim FoxxCook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx speaks during a news conference on February 1

 Los Angeles County District Attorney George GasconLos Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon addresses police accountability and the actions taken by his office to restore trust in the community on My 25

Sorry, Mr. Now-Ex-Prosecutor. It wasn’t right-wingers (does ’Frisco even have any?) and cops who ousted you; it was Democrats. Asian Americans. Other minorities. Working-class folks.

Boudin and his ilk just can’t admit they’re hurting the very people they claim to champion. Nor that, as Tuesday’s vote suggests, those people are taking notice.

Boudin and his ilk just can’t admit they’re hurting the very people they claim to champion. Nor that, as Tuesday’s vote suggests,se o are taking notic

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