Tuesday, June 07, 2022


Abortion activists strip to underwear during Joel Osteen church service 


June 7, 2022



Service at Lakewood Church in Houston, where Pastor Joel Osteen preaches to some 25,000 people each week. There are currently 842 mega churches that host an excess of three million people on any given Sunday.

Service at Lakewood Church in Houston, where Pastor Joel Osteen preaches to some 25,000 people each week


Three abortion activists interrupted celebrity pastor Joel Osteen’s Sunday service at a Texas megachurch by stripping down to their underwear.

Osteen had just finished leading a prayer and congregants began to take their seats at Lakewood Church when one woman quickly stood up, pulled off her dress and shouted, “It’s my body, my f–king choice,” videos shared on Twitter show.

A second woman got up, removed her dress and shouted, “Overturn Roe, hell no” followed by a third who also stripped and repeated the chants.

The activists wore white sports bras with green handprints on them and waved green bandannas — the color representing the pro-choice movement — as security escorted them out of the building to cheers from congregants.


                                   Activists from a pro-abortion group stormed Joel Osteen's church in Houston on Sunday
                                    Activists from a pro-abortion group stormed Joel Osteen's church in Houston on Sunday
                                     The women chanted 'my body, my f*****g choice!' and 'overturn Roe, hell no!'
                                     The women chanted 'my body, my f*****g choice!' and 'overturn Roe, hell no!'
                                     The women were led out of the church by security guards while the congregation cheered
                                     The women were led out of the church by security guards while the congregation cheered

The women chanted 'my body, my f*****g  choice!' and 'overturn Roe, hell no!' 


The trio, activists with Texas Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights, said they decided to protest inside the megachurch because anti-abortion activists have no issue protesting against women at their safe spaces like doctors’ offices and clinics.

“Christians are not afraid to bother us at health care clinics, at doctors’ offices [where we’re] trying to get essential health care, so why the f–k wouldn’t we bother you in your own home where the laws are coming from,” said one of the women, who continued their protest outside Lakewood Church.


The women continued their protest outside after being removed from the church by security
The women continued their protest outside after being removed from the church by security 
The activists were protesting the recently leaked Supreme Court draft ruling overthrowing Roe v. Wade. The ruling would rescind the federal law protecting abortion rights and allow states to set their own policies and laws.

Pastors Victoria Osteen and Joel Osteen attend UJA-Federation's 2022 Music Visionary Of The Year Award Luncheon at The Pierre Hotel on May 18, 2022 in New York City.Pastor Joel Osteen, here with wife Victoria Osteen, had just finished leading a prayer when the women began their protest

Lakewood Church has not responded to media requests for comment on the protest. The livestream of the 11 a.m. service, which the protestors interrupted, is no longer available online.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Let he who is without sin .........