Tuesday, September 27, 2022


Trump warns of possible World War III over Ukraine, Taiwan 


New York Post

September 27, 2022



bob walsh said...

There are a fair number of people who are stupid enough to believe her.

Trey said...

I miss President Trump. He has been right about so many things. I have friends and even relatives who were Never Trumpers but their opinion has changed since Biden has been in office. Since the beginning of time the weak have been preyed upon. Now the U.S. has grown weak. Biden has led this country down the garden path to ruin. Our Nation is bleeding money, has open borders and our foes may strike at any time. I remember a similar weak President. Jimmie Carter sent in the Delta Team to rescue the Iran Hostages. It was a slaughter of the under trained and underfunded US military Special Forces Team. As soon as Ronald Reagan was elected as a strong U.S. President things changed. You cannot be weak in our world. Biden may cost the U.S. our Democracy. We have a big mess to clean up. I hope we can do it.

Dave Freeman said...

Ya, President Trump strengthened this country's economy, our military, made us energy independent, and secured our borders (as much as he could in the face of tremendous opposition). But he has an orange complexion and he sent out mean tweets so...