Monday, September 19, 2022


By Bob Walsh


                                         Armageddon Poster template
                                                          November 8, 2022

It seems that about every other election is billed as THE MOST IMPORTANT election of our time / living memory / since the founding of the republic.  Some of them might be right.  Most of them are probably not.  

The up coming election will be interesting.  It MIGHT even be really important.  Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden will sort-of be on the ballot.  It MAY be a semi-preview of 2024.

Abortion will be an issue.  The Supreme Court decision did NOT take away any abortion rights despite what the left says.  It did move the decision back to the states, which is legally appropriate as anybody who has ever read the constitution knows. This is THE issue for a fair number of people on both sides of the question.  

Gun rights will be an issue, due also to SCOTUS and the New York gun permit case.  For a fair number of people this is THE issue to hang your hat on.  The fallout will be litigated for at least a couple of years as the anti-2A people are throwing up roadblocks like crazy.  Most of these will eventually fall, but it will take a while.

Border security will be a big issue for many.  The Harris-Biden administration is in trouble on that one as even their road dogs are having a hard time pretending that they believe that the border is secure.  It is clear that the current policy is to let as many undocumented democrats into the country as fast as possible and, if they are all carrying 20 pounds of drugs on their back as they come in, that is an acceptable price to pay to stop the evil Republican bastards.   

The economy is an issue for pretty much everybody.  A lot of people especially those in the middle, vote with their wallet.  Inflation, supply side issues, just plain dumb-ass monetary policy decisions (like the Student Loan Debt Forgiveness Program) are pissing off the people in the middle who will be paying the freight.  

The party in power pretty much always loses seats in the off-year election.  There is a fair chance that the Republicans will take over the house.  There is only a modest chance that they will manage to take over the senate.  A lot of those races are strange.  For instance, I find it hard to understand why Dr. Oz can not get any real traction against the borderline psycho with serious medical issues, but he can't.  

Will this be the election that makes or breaks our republic?  Will it be a serious preview / set-up for 2024?  Conventional wisdom would say yes.  Convention wisdom would also say we should be working on the back half of the second term of President Hillary Clinton.  

I got no clue.  It will be interesting to watch.  Trouble is, it might also be scary.  


Trey said...

It's about control. I live in a conservative county, but we are still affected by Harris County. If it gets bad, we will sell out and move to the woods near Lufkin or Trinity. It doesn't get much more back woods, God, Guns and Pass the Ammo than that. Start making ethanol for fuel...

Dave Freeman said...

Yeah...what trey said.