Friday, September 16, 2022


Is Islam the True Obstacle to Peace in the Middle East?

Last will of PA police officer says martyrdom for Allah is highest ideal, urges companions to carry on the jihad against Israel.


by Ryan Jones


Israel Today 


A Palestinian police officer wrote that Islam and devotion to Allah compelled him to wage war against Israel.


It’s called the “religion of peace,” but that label was forcibly applied after the massive jihadist attacks of September 11, 2001, lest people begin to think that all Muslims were terrorists.

And then there’s the Abraham Accords, which so far seem to demonstrate that Jews and Muslims can successfully and peacefully coexist in this region. Though more pious Muslims would likely argue the genuineness of the faith of the more secular leaders of the United Arab Emirates. (This is not to say the UAE leaders aren’t religious. “Secular” here is applied in the same way it is to Israeli leaders, most of whom would consider themselves practitioners of Judaism, but who are not driven by their religious belief.)

It was believed when the Oslo Accords were signed that the more secular, and thus pragmatic PLO led by Yasser Arafat would prevent Islamists like Hamas from making a mess of things.

But this approach exposed the naïveté of the Western power brokers behind Oslo, as well as the like-minded Israeli politicians who eagerly signed on.

Islam was still there, just below the surface, waiting to scuttle the best-laid plans of our most esteemed “experts.”

Earlier this week, a Palestinian Authority police officer, one of those supposedly secular and pragmatic Palestinians, participated in a shooting attack that resulted in the death of an Israeli army officer.

That’s worrying enough for those who had placed all their eggs in the Oslo basket.

But far more concerning should be the will left behind by this man, Ahmad Abed.

According to a report by MEMRI, Abed left a written will in which he explained that he had decided to die as a martyr for Allah’s sake because this is the highest ideal, as well as the best way to obtain Allah’s favor and elevate Islam.

A translation of the letter reads:

“I write this last will in anticipation of my death as a martyr for the sake of Allah, for martyrdom is the best way to draw close to Allah, and no ideal can compare to it. My friends and loved ones, do not abandon the path of jihad, for every people that neglected jihad was humiliated. Do not lay down your guns, which will bring you honor and supremacy.”

Anyone who still thinks that Islam isn’t the primary driver behind Israel’s foes is sticking his or her head in the sand. This is a religious war, plain and simple.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

That is IMHO a lot of the problem with Islam. One, followers believe that EVERY WORD of the Koran is the actual, literal word of Allah. Two, if Allah is telling you it is not only acceptable but laudable to cut your neighbor's head off if he doesn't believe, it is difficult to split the difference if you will pardon the pun. Both Judaism and Christianity have engaged in a fair amount of self-examination and at least some level of reform over the centuries. It is hard to do that if you believe that every word of your primary religious text is the actual, literal word of your god and is not subject to any level of interpretation or even critical thought.