Saturday, October 01, 2022


By Bob Walsh

No photo description available.
There was a shooting at an Oakland (CA) Unified School District location a couple of days ago.  Six people shot.  At least two shooters with at least on accomplice (get-away driver?)  The OUSD Police Department Officers didn't see shit because they were disbanded two years ago. One security guard on campus hit the deck when the lead started flying and picked up a mild head wound for his trouble.  The shooters got away clean.

Oakland does, however have a DEPTARTMENT OF VIOLENCE PREVENTION.  Their "chief" is Guillermo Cespedes.  They sent a lot of warm feelings, good wishes and correct pronouns to the shooting scene.  And probably some counsellors and social workers.  

That "department" was created five years ago with a goal of reducing violence in Oakland by 80% in three years.  Anybody want to guess how much luck they have had with that?  They are, however, being sued by a lawyer they fired for harassment, discrimination and retaliation.  She wants Cespedes' job as payback, and a few hundred thousand dollars.  "Chief" Cespedes has refused to comment, citing confidentiality of personnel matters.   Their budget this year is $24.9 million.

Cespedes voiced the opinion that the shooting was motivated by rivalries between "groups" of "youths" some of who attended the school in question.  I guess that explains why only two students but four school employees were shot.  Maybe the "groups" of "youths" are just not very good shots.  

1 comment:

Trey said...

Department of Violence Prevention? What a shovel full of Bullshit. Sounds like they have a pile of cash. Psst. Hey Boss, they got any openings?