Shamelessly parading his disgraced son, taking selfies with accused terrorists and insulting America's allies... it's all in a day's work for our declining president on his corrupt Biden Family European Vacation
By David Marcus
Daily Mail
April 14, 2023

Renowned artist, international playboy, scallywag and presidential scion, Hunter Biden is prancing around the Emerald Isle with his dear old dad, all the while under Justice Department and Congressional investigations.
Renowned artist, international playboy, scallywag and presidential scion, Hunter Biden is prancing around the Emerald Isle with his dear old dad, all the while under Justice Department and Congressional investigations.
Must be nice. But back at home, Americans have a few questions.
In fact, millions have been waiting years to resolve the myriad probes and scandals swarming around the troubled second son of the president. And instead, they get slapped in the face with this?
The Biden Family European Vacation.
Not since the Griswold's have we witnessed such a disaster.
And it's shameless.
It might be one thing if the recovering crack addict of sordid laptop fame was just quietly tucked into the back of Air Force One, keeping a low profile while visiting with Joe's distant cousins. But no. He is openly assisting his dad at official events.
Don't forget!
Hunter is currently under federal investigation for failure to pay taxes linked to his shady international business dealing. He's also being investigated by House Republicans for allegedly leveraging the political power of his famous father to help him sell access to the highest levels of the American government.
In 2013, Hunter tagged along in Air Force Two, with then-Vice President Joe Biden, on an official visit to Beijing. Little did we know at the time, but Hunter was actually using the trip to court Chinese investors, who ended up paying him to help promote their interests in the West.
Ye Jianming, the former chairman of Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC, once gave Hunter Biden a 3-carat diamond estimated to be worth $80,000.

It might be one thing if the recovering crack addict of sordid laptop fame was just quietly tucked into the back of Air Force One, keeping a low profile while visiting with Joe's distant cousins. But no. He is openly assisting his dad at official events.
Last month, House Republicans revealed that another firm, linked to CEFC, wired $3million to a Hunter's business partner. And, according to investigators, that money was then doled out to members of the Biden family, including Joe's daughter-in-law, Hallie and his brother, James.
What was Hunter paid to do? That's still unclear. But I bet it wasn't for nothing.
And of course, it wasn't just China paying Hunter.
A Ukrainian energy company Burisma was reportedly giving Hunter $1million a year, while his dad was vice president. And Joe reportedly met with at least 14 of Hunter's business associates while he was in the Obama White House.
And even more on the nose, Hunter's business partner from a now-defunct investment firm, once suggested how they could get in with an Irish government pension fund by cozying up to the US Ambassador to Ireland at a St. Patricks Day party in Washington DC.
This all feels like nothing less than blatant abuse by Hunter of his familial closeness to the office of the United States president.
Look, we all accept and understand that Joe loves his son. And any father recognizes only too well the want to forgive and forget your child's misdeeds. But by publicly flaunting Hunter - who has flouted decency, very possibly the law, and above all else, potentially implicated the president – is a flat-out insult.
Joe is either driven by disdain for the American people or stupidity. And it may be the latter.
In one particularly bizarre moment on this increasingly pointless tour, Joe and Hunter were meeting with locals in Belfast when a young Irish lad, clearly using a regional phrase, asked Joe for his advice on the 'top step' to success.
Nonetheless, our commander-in-chief couldn't handle the query. So, Hunter explained to his father that the boy was asking about, 'keys to success.'
A softball question, no doubt. But it threw Joe into a tizzy.
He launched into a lengthy story about the late segregationist Senator Jesse Helms, forgetting which 'Carolina' Helms represented, only to have Hunter saunter up again and whisper, 'North.'
This uncomfortable moment got worse and worse until Hunter intervened once more to move the old man along: 'You're supposed to do the ropeline, Dad.'
Believe it (which I'm sure you do) or not, that wasn't the least of it.
Biden was caught on video all but pushing his British counterpart, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, out of the way to greet a female US diplomat. And in another insult to the British people, he took a selfie with accused IRA terrorist, Gerry Adams.
No wonder the British Press is up in arms over what they say is the president's animosity to the UK. (Maybe the White House should focus on fixing that instead of the Biden brood posing at quaint pubs.)
And to round out the debacle, Biden confused the Irish 'All Black's' rugby team with the infamous British 'Black and Tans' military unit that battled the Irish Republican Army.
The lights are on. But no one's home. It's all so very troubling and more so because Joe's doing it with Hunter in tow.
What an absolute mockery!
Furthermore, how is this not interference in the investigations of Hunter being mounted by Joe's own DOJ? Are they really going to throw the book at the boss's prodigal son?
This was supposed to be an official state visit to Ireland to further the interests of the American people, and it has turned into a public-relations tour. The rehabilitation of Hunter's image has been a permanent side project for this White House, which at the same time refuses to answer questions about his bevy of scandals.

In one particularly bizarre moment on this increasingly pointless tour, Joe and Hunter were meeting with locals in Belfast when a young Irish lad, clearly using a regional phrase, asked Joe for his advice on the 'top step' to success. Nonetheless, our commander-in-chief couldn't handle the query.
Federal tax investigations? Joe says nothing. House investigation into influence peddling? Zilch. Is Joe 'the big guy' who gets 10 percent kickbacks from his son? You don't get to know. Just shut up.
What actual business of the American people is advanced by presenting Hunter on a trip with Joe, all nice and neat in his suit and tie, not smoking crack or impregnating strippers? Does anyone other than Hunter benefit?
Americans need to know and believe that nobody is above the law. Joe and Hunter's excellent Irish adventure sends exactly the opposite message.
Perhaps that is what this trip to the Biden ancestral homeland is all about. Lord knows we haven't heard a word of policy or seen a dash of diplomacy, those are the kinds of Irish gab Joe has no gift for.
Thankfully, with Republicans in control of the House we may finally get a fulsome investigation - one with teeth, even if Attorney General Merrick Garland's Department of Justice continues to drag its feet.
Here's the deal folks, when Joe Biden starts answering serious questions about his son, when he shoots from the shoulder on the issue, then he can parade him around as a prop.
Until that time, if it ever comes, leave Hunter in Delaware with the Corvette, Joe. Nobody is buying any of this - and we are tired of being insulted.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Which one is dumbest?

My answer: It's a tie.
1 comment:
If Joe still thinks that Hunter is the smartest person he knows he is probably a nose ahead in the stupid contest.
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