Saturday, May 13, 2023


'I was much happier when I was broke': Tragic tale of $16M lottery winner who was $1M in debt within a year, his ex sued him for one-third of fortune and his brother hired a hitman to kill him... before he died penniless aged 66

William 'Bud' Post III blew through his $16M fortune at a rapid speed in the 90s. He spent so much he landed himself in $1million worth of debt within a year. He splashed out on cars, motorcycles, a plane, mansions and family businesses. But he also had to contend with his ex-girlfriend sued him for one third of fortune


By Alice Wright


Daily Mail

May 13, 2023


Bud Post blew through his $16.2million fortune at a rapid speed leaving a trail of devastation

Bud Post blew through his $16.2million fortune at a rapid speed leaving a trail of devastation 


Winning the lottery and being catapulted to multi-millionaire status overnight could tee you up for the future. 

But for William 'Bud' Post III the dream soon descended into nightmare, kickstarting a catastrophic chain of events that ended with him broke and dying alone in poverty.

The Pennsylvania native blew through his $16.2million fortune at rapid speed, landing himself in $1million worth of debt within the first year.

He splashed out on luxury cars, motorcycles, planes he could not even fly, mansions and family businesses he pumped endless sums of cash into.

But he also had to contend with his ex-girlfriend and landlady - who successfully sued him for one third of his fortune - and his brother who hired a hitman to kill him.

Post, who snapped up the eyewatering sum in 1988, passed away in misery from respiratory illness aged 66 in 2006.

The hapless spender bought his winning ticket when he had just $2.46 in his bank account and was on disability benefits.

He sold a ring for $40 and gave his then girlfriend and landlady the money for 40 tickets in the state lottery.

After his monumental win and the collection of the first $497,953 annual payment, Post spent $300,000 in just two weeks.

He poured money into family businesses including a Florida restaurant for his brother and sister, and a used-car lot and its fleet for another brother.

He also made outlandish purchases, such as a twin-engine plane, despite not having a pilots license, and within three months was in $500,000 worth of debt.

The next year, by this point estranged from his siblings and ordered to stay away from his sixth wife after firing into her car, Post bought a mansion in Oil City in northwestern Pennsylvania for $395,000.

Matters soon spiraled further when his former landlady and sometime girlfriend successfully sued him for a third of his winnings, after claiming they had agreed to split the proceeds at the time.


Bud Post in front of his Oil City mansion that fell into disrepair as debt mounted

Bud Post in front of his Oil City mansion that fell into disrepair as debt mounted 


Post denied her claim and when he refused to hand over his annual payment in 1992 a judge ordered for all further payments to be frozen until the dispute was resolved.

Mortgaged and cash poor he sold off many of his assets and let his mansion fall into a dire state of dilapidation.

Visitors noted how the swimming pool was filled with debris, the yard grown over with weeds and the windows were boarded up with plywood.

Post was reported to wander around the mansion alone, without his false teeth which he complained hurt his head.

Meanwhile his brother was accused of attempting to hire a contract killer to murder him in the hope of inheriting some of the money.

He eventually sold the crumbling mansion in 1996 for $65,000 and auctioned off the 17 remaining lottery payments he was owed in an effort to get out of debt.

'Once I'm no longer a lottery winner, people will leave me alone. That's all I want. Just peace of mind,' he told the Guardian at the time. 

The remaining $2.65million that he received he blew on his debts, two further homes, a truck, three cars, two Harley-Davidson motorcycles, two 62-inch Sony televisions, a luxury camper, computers and a $260,000 sailboat.

He was eventually arrested on his luxury yacht in 1998 after refusing to turn himself into the police to serve a six to 24-month sentence for an assault conviction.

He had been found guilty at firing a shogun at a man collecting a debt at his mansion.

After being released from prison he lived on a $450-per-month disability check until his death in 2006.

'Everybody dreams of winning money, but nobody realizes the nightmares that come out of the woodwork, or the problems,' he told a reporter  in 1993.

 'I was much happier when I was broke.'

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