Multiple vehicles crash into each other in Florida after driver stops for turtle crossing busy road
May 18, 2023

What took place on the Florida route?
The video recorded by the semi-truck’s dashcam showed the cars slowing down as they came close to a pickup truck that had stopped in the left lane of the two-lane roadway. However, the semi-truck collides with two other vehicles and goes over the turtle, which was fortunately unharmed.
The officials appreciated the driver's kind gesture but warned against doing so as stopping a vehicle on a busy roadway can be very dangerous. "We don’t advise causing a road obstruction because of a reptilian obstruction," the sheriff’s office said. No one was seriously injured in the crash.
The authorities said that the turtle was living "happily ever after" in a
pond, where "he will (hopefully) spend the rest of his days avoiding
pavement of any kind".
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