Friday, June 28, 2024


By Bob Walsh


California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation California Health Care Facility

 California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation California Health Care Facility

California prison system's California Health Care Facility (CHCF) – Stockton


The medical system in the CA state prison system has been operating under federal oversight for something like 30 years.  It has been alleged (accurately) that the system has been somewhere between deficient and grossly deficient in providing medical care and mental health care to prisoners.  Today the feds slapped the state with a fine of $111 million.

The state is running way behind on hiring.  It can take months for a prisoner who is not actively suicidal to see a psychiatric social worker or psychiatrist or psychologist.  The judge says NOT GOOD ENOUGH and is using a big hammer to get the state's attention.

The state has asserted, probably correctly, that the medical and mental health care available to prisoners is better than they would get on the streets, even it its current mediocre level.  About 30% of the mental health professional positions are unfilled.

The state is, of course, appealing both the ruling and the fine.

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