Sunday, June 30, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Lotus Elise-inspired EV sports car concept from the UK


An outfit called Nyobolt in the UK has been working about a year on what is alleged to be a game changing battery for the EV market.  The battery is significantly lighter than existing batteries, can charge 2,000 cycles before any noticeable loss of life and can charge in SIX MINUTES.  (Remember in the UK they run their normal electrical stuff on 230 volts.)

The little blurb I heard on the news yesterday indicated that the batteries were ready to go into production.

Of course I seem to remember a news piece from Toyota saying pretty much the same thing last year.  

In any event IF TRUE this could be the boost the EV market needs.  But I am not going to hold my breath.  I am not even going to buy any stock...yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are happy with our Toyota Crown hybrid. Never have to plug it in. Filled up yesterday due to Hurricane possibly entering the Gulf. Have 506 miles to drive before needing gas. That would easily get us to Oklahoma. (USA)