Sunday, June 30, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Walt Handelsman | Tribune Content Agency


The party apparatus is circling the wagons to protect the continued power of Joe Biden.

Yesterday afternoon Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the head of the Biden campaign, and Jamie Harrison, the head of the DNC, held a conference call with a buttload of people from the Democrat party apparatus around the country.  It was, however, odd in that it was a one-way call, feedback and comments were NOT permitted.  Both Harrison and Rodriguez offered an absolutely rosy picture of Joe Biden and essentially gave a rah-rah-rah pitch.  GET OUT THERE AND SUPPORT OUR GUY.  No consideration whatsoever was given to his crash-and-burn on Thursday night other than to assert that it has had zero effect on his electability.  Some of those on the call stated outright after the call that they were being gaslighted.

More than a few on the receiving end of the call said that it did NOTHING to ease their worries about the situation and if anything made their concerns greater.  

In an interview on MSNBC afterwards Harrison asserted that the call was a routine, regularly scheduled conference call.

The talking head contingent is now openly speculating that Joe will be removed from power by Kamala Harris and the cabinet via the 25th amendment.  AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.  For one thing, even if they did it, it would NOT remove Joe from the ballot for next term.  The 25th Amendment has zero effect on the election process.  

Personally I hope Joe stays in.  It will pretty much guarantee the election of Donald Trump.  I grant you the process of throwing Joe out would be amusing to watch.  That being said forcing him out is not doable at this stage.  They can try to convince him, they can try to coerce him.  They can't FORCE him out because they have no power to do so.  He loves the power.  His wife, who is possibly actually running the show, loves it more than he does.  I find it hard to understand how they could successfully compel him to go away.  I'm not sure a major mutiny by the power structure could do it.  He WANTS to keep the power and he believes his own bullshit.


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