Friday, June 28, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Eric Abril has been taken into custody following his firing at Mahany Park.

Eric James Abril 


A year ago Eric James Abril was a guest of the Placer County Sheriff's Office.  He was accused of killing a person he was holding hostage and shooting two others in April of 2023 in a stand-off with the cops.  On July 9 he was housed at Sutter Roseville Medical Center in Roseville due to various medical issues where he was guarded by one sheriff's deputy, who was often not in the room.  Abril escaped and was out for 33 hours, costing the county over $100,000 in overtime.

The Placer County Civil Grand Jury has just issued their report on the escape.   They faulted various procedures, protocols, and training issues for the escape.  The Grand Jury asserted that there had been both willful misconduct and negligence.

Among other things the S.O. had no formal training for deputies on off-grounds security details or transport details.  The prisoner was wearing a belly chain but was not secured to the hospital bed.  He was supposed to be.  The single deputy on security duty was outside of the room for a total of 27 minutes around the time Abril escaped.  The 12 instances including making personal phone calls and chatting up nurses.  Apparently there is a camera on one of the medical devices Abril was hooked up to that gave a pretty fair record of what was going on and when.  When the deputy left the room for his 13th trip Abril got one of his hands out of the restrain on the belly chain.  On the 14th trip, to make a head call, Abril beat feet. When the deputy left the area he left his body armor, spare ammunition and baton behind.  Abril took off at about 3: a.m. and simply ran out of the hospital.  He managed to elude capture for 33 hours.

The deputy is still on the job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate to admit it but hospital guarding usually falls to a rookie jailer or someone old approaching retirement. My wife, a retired Nurse would complain about the guards sleeping while assigned to watching prisoners. (USA)