Sunday, June 30, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Walt Handelsman | Tribune Content Agency

Assuming the talking heads have it right there is a significant revolt amongst the big money donors to the DNC.  They are refusing to open their wallets to bet on a three-legged horse.  

Will that be enough to convince (or coerce) Joe and Jill out.  Personally I doubt it.  My opinion, for what my opinion is worth, is that Jill LOVES the power and Joe believes the bullshit everybody is feeding him.  Plus their is the undeniable fact that he beat Trump once.  Of course the dynamics back then during the plague were totally different than they are now, but I am unsure his cognitive function is up to appreciating that difference. 

Personally I hope the senile old fart stays in the race.  It will be fun to watch him crash and burn and if he drops it is barely possible the Democrat-Socialists might find a good candidate if they flip over enough rocks.  

Damn, the next 18 weeks will be a lot of fun to watch.

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