By Bob Walsh
So the cops (a police cadet actually, and I wonder what
is up with that) had occasion to show up at a home in Battle Creek,
Michigan two days ago to serve a subpoena. A five-year old opened the
door...with a loaded pistol in his hand.
the kid opened the door to the cadet he kid was initially armed with a
kitchen knife. The cadet asked the kid to have an adult come to the
door. The kid then showed up holding the pistol The cadet then called a
patrol officer. He disarmed the child pending the arrival of the
patrol officer.
The cops found at least one more child and three adults in the house.
cops made an arrest on a domestic violence charge. They are also
referring the whole situation to the D.A. for possible prosecution for
child endangerment and child neglect. One of the children at the home
was transported to the hospital due to concerns over the child's health
The woman at the home is a single mother with five children from several different fathers.
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