Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Now this really makes me feel better as I’m slapping the mosquitoes biting my face, neck and arms. And I’m sure this will make me sleep better despite all this damn itching.

New York may be No. 1 in bedbugs and Kookfornia in kooks, but Texas is still No. 1 by a country mile in executions.
By Richard Connelly
Houston Press Hair Balls
July 26, 2010
Houston, as you slap your arms, face and neck while trying to enjoy a sunset, reassure yourself that things could be worse: You could be in Florida or Louisiana.

Those two states are officially and somewhat scientifically more bug-infested than Texas, according to an industry survey.

The least buggiest state of all? South Dakota. (Actually, Washington, D.C., but that's not a state.

BASF, a chemical company that makes all sorts of bug-killing paraphenalia, conducted a survey and studied sales patterns to come up with their findings.

"The survey findings mirror what we see in real life," said Dr. Bob Davis, Chief Entomologist at BASF. "Ants are pervasive throughout the United States, while termites tend to be most prevalent in the West, South and Southeast."

After Texas, the top ten consisted of California [Where you find the most kooks.], Georgia, New York (lots of bedbugs), Mississippi, Alabama, Missouri and South Carolina.

Shockingly, BASF's study also showed that most homeowners would be better off hiring a professional exterminator, no doubt armed with industrial-strength BASF products, to handle the problem.

1 comment:

Centurion said...

The study was based on sales patterns and reflects sales of products to people.

So it more accurately depicts the most populus states....(California and New York. As for Texas being number one? Perhaps Texas is indeed, the buggiest.