Friday, June 24, 2011


I also posted ‘Law Enforcement For Pedophilia' (6-22-11) on PACOVILLA Corrections blog. That blog site was quickly swamped with over 30 comments, almost all of them attacking the war on drugs and me personally. That led Bob Walsh to say, “I think you lost a couple of people from your Christmas Card list with this one.”

Paco himself inserted this comment: “I deleted a half dozen comments in this thread. Marijuana advocates are welcome to post comments here but must abide by the rules like everyone else: Publication Policy & Practice. If you are incapable of conversing without insulting others, go away.”

I was dumbfounded by what I was reading because most of Paco’s readers are Correctional Officers and I could not imagine them defending the use of drugs and attacking the police. Then Paco set the record straight by saying, “Those comments are NOT from our regular readers. Your post was picked up by a pro-pot website [ by Pete Guither] and that is where the comments are coming from. I say this with absolute certainty as we run WordPress plugins that uses the commentator’s ipaddress to count comments from each.”

It is obvious that those who advocate the decriminalization of drugs and accuse the cops of using draconian tactics to enforce our drug laws do so because they are smoking pot and using other illegal drugs.

Here are just four of the comments posted on PACOVILLA that attacked me personally:

__“Not a single person agrees with your insane comparisons between consensual drug use between non-violent offenders and an adult raping or molesting a child by force. To make such a statement shows the ignorance and idiocy you possess to infinite levels.”

__“Just like most corrupt “law and order,” thugs, you should feel like slime for ever making the comparison [between drug offenses and pedophilia].

__“If you are fighting to legalize child rape then it must be because you think child rape is ok.”

__“You have been a champion of violence and evil your whole adult life, and you've made a nice living at it. One can’t expect moral clarity from one who champions evil, like you. Because only a truly evil person would compare the voluntary, consensual actions of adults [using dope] to the rape of a child. Shame on you. Shame. Shame. Shame.”

I finally got fed up with all that crap and so, this is how I responded to those who attacked me:

I try to maintain a sense of humor when responding to those who are dumping on me, but I’m getting fed up with the crap some of you have been putting out. To begin with, I am fully aware of the difference between drug offenses and the sexual abuse of children and if you believe otherwise that’s your problem. To believe that I would ‘think child rape is OK’ is absolutely absurd.

Some of you say or imply that drug use is not a criminal act. You need to wake out of your drug induced stupor. Like it or not, smoking pot is against the law and that makes it a criminal act. Those of you who disregard the drug laws are like juveniles who like to think that rules were made to be broken. No one has the right to decide for themselves which laws are good and which laws are bad, and then go on to disregard the laws they do not like.

It’s hard for me to believe that those of you ranting and raving against the war on drugs are actually correctional officers. You say that the war on drugs corrupts. Well, if you are a dope smoking CO, then YOU ARE CORRUPT! Didn’t you take an oath to uphold the laws? Dope smoking COs should be drummed out of the correctional service – they are on the wrong side of the bars.

You can continue to say what you like about me. There will be no more responses from me. I have better things to do than to reply to those idiots who believe that I’m the idiot.

“Why do the police routinely plant evidence and fudge reports, much less lie on the stand, with impunity? Why do they immediately shoot in no-knock raids, even when breaking into the wrong house? You stormtroopers are given the go-ahead to run amok, trampling roughshod over the basic human rights granted to the citizenry by the constitution, and it sickens me.”

I added the above comment because it reveals the hatred drug users have for the police. Let me set the record straight. While there are cops who have planted evidence and lied on the witness stand, they are few and far between. Every time I busted someone for possession of heroin I was accused of planting it on him. That was and continues to be a common defense tactic. The cops I worked with just did not do anything like that. And when we did resort to the use of firearms, it was only when we confronted a suspect about to use a deadly weapon against us.

When that jerk wrote about ‘trampling roughshod over the basic human rights,’ he was obviously referring to his self-imposed right to smoke pot or use other illegal drugs.

Finally I want to say that I am proud of our law enforcement officers. Our narcotic officers are only doing their jobs trying to enforce the laws that our recreational drug users choose to violate. Their choice to use drugs is what sustains those violent drug cartels. Cops put their lives on the line every day trying to protect the public and they deserve better than to be vilified by a bunch of dope smoking pukes.

As for me – that slimy evil ‘law and order’ thug – I never lost one second of sleep for busting some doper and I am proud of the work I did in enforcing our drug laws, both as a cop and as a parole agent.

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