Thursday, January 21, 2016


'El Chapo’ attorney says Sean Penn lied, and is demanding Penn testify in court

By Lucio

Borderland Beat
January 19, 2016

“Where’s the proof? Where’s the audio?” Juan Pablo Badillo, of El Chapo’s legal team asks. He says Senn Penn lied in his interview text article. Especially noting the part where Chapo boasts about drug trafficking, and he being responsible for trafficking more drugs than anyone else in the world.

For sure it was a statement that was difficult to comprehend, as to why Chapo would utter such a claim, especially to a person he just met and on record.

Badillo insists Penn lied, "It is a lie, absurd speculation from Mr Penn," Badillo, told Reuters in an interview, "Its a lie, absurd speculation from Mr Penn," Juan Pablo Badillo, one of a team of Guzman lawyers, told Reuters in an interview on Wednesday.

"In a way, yes, it does complicate things, Mr Penn should be called to testify to respond about the stupidities he has said," Badillo added.

He said that based on years of working Guzman, he was certain he would not make such a self-incriminating statement. "He could not have made these claims".

Penn stated in his interview that he was not allowed to video or audio tape the meeting. Penn claims Chapo easily bragged about his operation, "I supply more heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana than anybody else in the world. I have a fleet of submarines, airplanes, trucks and boats." Supposedly said by El Chapo to Penn.

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