Sunday, January 17, 2016


By Bob Walsh

Students of history will know that, During WWII, the Nazi’s produces a huge quantity of very good quality counterfeit 5 pound bank notes with the intent of distributing them in the UK to destabilize the currency and damage the war effort. Fortunately they were not successful in the distribution part of the plan.

North Korea finances much of its foreign intelligence operation with excellent quality forged $100 bills. They purchased a printing press of the same type the U. S. Treasury uses and put the resources of as government (albeit a small and semi-bankrupt one) into the effort and produced a good quality product, forcing the U. S. to make changes in its currency.

The Islamofascists of ISIS captured huge quantities of currency when they took over large chunks of the Middle East. Money is handy. (They also captured a lot of military hardware abandoned by our so-called allies, but that is another matter.)

On Sunday the U. S. military made a really solid pinpoint strike on a building in Mosul that is believed to have destroyed millions of dollars in U. S. currency. Some of that may be wishful thinking as it is actually difficult to destroy packed money, but I am sure it was a valiant effort even if not quite as effective as the military would lead us to believe. At any rate the video is impressive.

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