Sunday, August 07, 2016


By Bob Walsh

This week U. S. District Court Judge Dale Drozd, out of Fresno, ruled that pot users who have a “valid” medical certificate can still be fired for the use of the killer weed.

The ruling from the judge, however, was far from unequivocal. It does allow the pothead to continue his civil suit against Kohl’s Department Store for defamation and for the plaintiff’s assertion that Kohl’s violated its own policy of not discriminating against medical marijuana users as long as they were not stoned at work.

Former Kohl’s employee Justin Shepherd asserts that he uses weed to relieve a diagnosed condition of anxiety. (Perhaps he gets anxious if he can’t smoke weed.) He further asserts that, on the day in question, he had not smoked weed for several days prior. He claimed a back injury while working as a material handler and, when he went to the doctor they did a routine drug test. It tested positive for THC, which can, I understand, remain detectable in the system for as much as 30 days after use.

As far as I am aware there is no variable test for THC and no scale that indicates as a matter of law or of normal medical practice how stoned you have to be to be impaired.

I am unsure how much traction Shepherd will get if the civil case is tried in Fresno, but one never knows about such things.

EDITOR’S NOTE: A diagnosed condition of anxiety.” I had to interrupt my reading for a few minutes to recover from falling off my chair laughing. Who doesn’t suffer from anxiety? That’s the farce of medical marijuana … anyone can get a pot prescription.

Killer weed … is that akin to killer tomatoes?


Anonymous said...

Anxiety? Go home, pet your dog and turn on a John Wayne western. Works every time.

bob walsh said...

Very similar. It depends though on the emphasis. If it is KILLER weed it means one thing, if it is Killer Weed it means something else, depending on how stoned you are of course.

Aguyonearth said...

You call this journalism? I read some other articles on this case, as well as some of the actual court records. Perhaps you should be more informed about the case before publishing an article about it because you just wasted my time. This is more about your dumb opinions than actual facts and relevant information. Go take a nap, then wheelchair your old ass to the computer and get some hard information before writing again old man.

BarkGrowlBite said...

"Go take a nap, then wheelchair your old ass to the computer and get some hard information before writing again old man." Shit, except for the wheelchair, Unknown is describing me.