Sunday, August 07, 2016


By Bob Walsh

A year ago Gina Estevez was driving her Mercedes down the street in Vallejo in the company of her boyfriend, Rewia Beamon, 27. She was shot to death with a burst of rounds from a fully automatic AK-47. The cops know who shot her. He told the cops he shot her. Yet the shooter, Marlon Williams, 20, is not being charged with anything, not even the illegal possession of a machine gun.

The Solano County D. A. gave the shooter full immunity and charged the boyfriend with her death under the “provocative act” doctrine, saying it was the boyfriends fault for having her drive to what he knew might be a violent confrontation. The gang member who sprayed her fleeing car with rifle rounds offered a plea of self-defense, which the D.A. bought into.

Unfortunately for the D.A. the jury didn’t buy it and found Beamon not guilty four days ago. They took less than an hour to get there, just enough time to elect a foreman and run once or twice around the jury members for input.

Beamon asked Estevez to drive him to his ex’s house on July 7 of last year. They got into a beef and Williams, a friend of the ex’s family who happened to be there, went to the attic to get his AK. There is no evidence that Beamon had a gun, either on him or in the vehicle. No bullet holes or shell cases at the scene were associated with any weapon besides the A.K.

While Beamon and Estevez drove away Williams opened fire into the car, hitting Estevez in the back of the head and slightly injuring Beamon. Williams was arrested on an unrelated charge several weeks later and asserted self-defense in the Estevez shooting.

I don’t know about you, but this is pretty much pegging out my Stink-O-Meter. I think the cops and-or the D.A. were REALLY after Beamon, and let a murderer walk to shore-up (or maybe frame-up) a case in hopes to make something stick. It didn’t work.

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