Thursday, August 11, 2016


By Bob Walsh

I saw this in today’s SF Chronicle. The Chron, like the citizens of the People’s Republic of San Francisco, tends to care more about animals than they do about their citizens, unless of course they are criminal illegal aliens, so this was a completely appropriate piece for them.

It seems that there is now a workable facial recognition software program for dogs.If you pooch is not chipped or otherwise traceable and shows up at an animal shelter that has access to the program, they can take a mug shot of your dog and compare it to an existing photo and determine if it really is your dog or just one that mostly looks like your dog. I think that’s cool.

I don’t know if it is available for cats yet, and I don’t care. The only thing cats are good for is moving targets and using them as clubs to swing at criminal defense lawyers, democrats and other undesirables.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Better watch out Bob, them cat people are looking to wipe out your ass!

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Yeah, I know. The second biggest pile of hate mail I ever got was from cat lovers. Actually I LOVE cats, I just can't eat a whole one by myself any more.

I should also point out the software developer says that they will have a feline version out pretty soon, though I am not sure why they are bothering. I mean, you can pick up a cat anywhere, so what's the big deal?