Friday, August 12, 2016


Texting “Niggers are doing our job for us” on a discoverable device is stupid

By Bob Walsh

Two Oakland PD officers are looking at a suspension and the whole department is looking at increased diversity training due to dumb shit like this. In addition other officers who received or were aware of these messages have their butts in a crack for failure to rat out the idiots.

The Black Officer’s Association is banging on the mayor for refusal to identify the officers involved. They have also not given out information on the length of the two officer’s suspension, stating it is a “personnel matter.”

It should be noted that I am not condoning or excusing this behavior, merely pointing out that expressing these attitudes under these circumstances if just plain damn stupid, and we don’t need stupid cops.

EDITOR’S NOTE: If I’ve got the right report, what Bob does not mention is that the two suspended Oakland cops are black … yes, that’s right, they’re both black.

According to Thursday’s East Bay Times, the exchange of text messages date back as far as 2014 “and were shared or viewed mostly among African American officers, including members of the command staff. One of the text messages depicted a picture of member of the Ku Klux Klan suggesting the organization did not need to hurt black people because black people were killing each other.”


Anonymous said...

Blacks are killing blacks and it seems most blacks don't care.

bob walsh said...

There is no political capital to be gained over making an issue of blacks killing blacks. There is a LOT of political capital to be gained when whites kill blacks, no matter what the circumstances.