Wednesday, August 01, 2018


Pretty Much Yes

by Bob Walsh

As I write this there are 17 substantial wild fires burning in the formerly great state of California. I can smell the smoke in the air and I am nowhere near any of them.

Two days ago there was serious worry that all of Redding might be burned out. Redding is a city of 90,000 people. The odds have now gone down, but not to zero. There is another huge fire wine county and one in SoCal that are large and getting larger.

The fact is that CA has a shit forest management plan. There are a gazillion dead trees out there but the environmental nutters don't want them to be removed because a logging company might actually make money off of them and would have to have access roads to do it.

If active forest management is evil t and forest fires are bad and lack of active forest management leads to more and worse forest fires, where is the win?

EDITOR'S NOTE: The fires are God's way of punishing Kookfornia for the sins of San Fransicko. Amen!

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