Sunday, August 05, 2018


Elizabeth Warren says the criminal justice system is 'racist' from 'front to back' and claims Trump is 'winking at white supremacists'

Associated press
August 4, 2018

Potential Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren has a message about the U.S. criminal justice system.

Speaking to a historically black college, she delivered what she called 'the hard truth about our criminal justice system: It's racist ... front to back.'

The Massachusetts senator identified some of the system's failures: disproportionate arrests of African-Americans for petty drug possession; an overloaded public defender system; and state laws that keep convicted felons from voting even after their sentences are complete.

She made the comments at Dillard University in New Orleans.

Warren later told the meeting Friday that President Donald Trump has helped wealthy corporate interests fight consumer protections, minimum wage laws and other initiatives to benefit workers by fostering racism, xenophobia and homophobia while 'winking at white supremacists.'

The event was also attended by Sen. Kamala Harris of California, who picked up on the theme and said racial divisions were being exploited by Russian 'cyber warfare.'

Harris also called for a 'tooth and nail' Senate fight to reject Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, rejecting the idea that it's a useless fight in the Republican-controlled Senate.

'Damn right it's worth the fight,' she said.

Democrats in the Senate plan to begin meeting with Kavanaugh when they start returning to Washington in mid-August.

A senior Democratic aide said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee tasked with holding hearings for Kavanaugh, will be among those meeting with him.

This comes after weeks that they refused to meet with him.

Only one Democratic senator, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, has met with Kavanaugh as lawmakers sparred over access to records from the nominee's time as White House staff secretary under President George W. Bush.

The stop is the latest sign of Warren's effort to forge ties beyond her largely white political base in Massachusetts.

EDITOR’S NOTE: I guess that Warren believes selling crack cocaine is a minor drug offense. Her far-left brain will never understand that the reason there are a disproportionate number of blacks imprisoned is not because they have been victimized by racism, but because blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes. And since petty drug possession charges are misdemeanors, those offenders would not be sent to prison, but would be placed on probation or receive a short local jail sentnence.

And what have longtime state laws that keep convicted felons from voting even after their sentences are complete to do with racism?

As for Kamala Harris, she and Warren are peas in a pod.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

I have said it for years, but it is not politically correct. There is a substantial chunk of the U. S. population, predominantly non-White, (i. e. Black and Hispanic) for whom "criminal" is a socially valid job description. Thievery and personal violence to settle petty squabbles is the norm and is often lauded by elements of the subculture, such as popular music and movies. It's true. Pretending it isn't true doesn't make it go away. YEs, I grant you, a certain amount of the "problem" is racism within the system and a certain amount of the problem is that "the system" has some inherent prejudices against poor people, who are more heavily represented in the non-White racial-ethnic groups. There are other factors too, like one-parent or absentee parent households. That does not alter the FACT that a disproportionate amount of crime is committed by young Black and Hispanic men.