Thursday, August 09, 2018


by Bob Walsh

Jerry McNereny is the local Stockton congressman. Like many similar feeders are the public trough he is under the belief that he just HAS TO let EVERYBODY know everytime he farts. So his office uses a robodialer to tell you when he has a campaign activity, or when he is kissing a baby, or when he is not banging an intern.

The last three days in a row his machine has woken my ass up. I grant you I don't sleep regular hours and these calls are legal. They still piss me off. So I called his campaign office. A polite young man there named Beckett told me that those calls are coming from the congressional office, not the campaign office, and referred me to them. He gave me a number that actually was answered by a human being, a polite young woman named Catarina Rico. I explained to her, very politely, what the issue was. She assured me that she understood and she would take immediate steps to have my number taken out of their autodialer.

I am hopeful, but not wildly optimistic. I will let you know how it works out. Hell, I might even let McNerney know.

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