Thursday, August 16, 2018


Arizona police officer used his official body camera to film himself having sex with a woman in his office and stored 36GB of porn on his computer in a folder named 'fun times'

By Emily Crane

Daily Mail
August 15, 2018

An Arizona police officer has been fired after he was caught filming himself on his body camera having sex with a woman in his office and storing porn on his computer in a folder labeled 'fun times'.

Superior Police sergeant Anthony Doran was kicked off the force in April after the sex video and 36 gigabytes of porn was discovered on a flash drive on his office computer by a secretary.

Still images from the bodycam footage, which was obtained by 12News, showed Doran sitting at his desk wearing just his uniform shirt as a naked woman sat on his lap.

The video lasted for four minutes and was dated April 2017.

The Pinal County Sheriff's Office launched an investigation into Doran back in March after a police secretary uncovered the footage while conducting official business on his computer.

A police report regarding the investigation said that a deputy located the sex video in a flash drive folder named 'fun times'.

That deputy also discovered 36 gigabytes worth of pornographic photos and videos, as well as images of a naked five-year-old girl.

'The images and the fact they were intersected with pictures of sexual situations caused me to physically react with shaking hands and upset stomach' the deputy wrote in his report.

The images of the child were later determined to be of Doran's daughter.

Doran was not charged in relation to the footage or images, but the report did say: 'There is suspicion that some grooming behavior may be present'.

He told The Arizona Republic that the images of his daughter were not lewd or illegal and that the pornographic images and video were saved on a flash drive that had nothing to do with his work.

Doran also said he wasn't on duty when the body cam footage was shot. He added that he lived at the station in a room next to the office.

He claimed he wasn't given a chance to explain himself before being fired in April.

Doran was also fired from the Pima County Sheriff's Office back in 2013 after he fondled a woman while on duty in his patrol car.

The details surrounding his termination this year only recently emerged after it was included in a civil lawsuit filed by a local man who claims Doran, as well as other officers, beat and unlawfully detained him in an unrelated case.

That lawsuit accuses Superior town officials of trying to cut costs by hiring 'second-chance officers' who have previously been disciplined for their behavior.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

4 minutes?