Sunday, March 03, 2019


by Bob Walsh

Teachers in the crime-ridden shithole of Oakland have reached a deal. Assuming the deal is ratified, teachers are getting a one-time 3% bump and an 11% raise over a period of time not yet made public.

The 3,000 teacher district had a student show-up rate of about 3% during the strike. That really cuts into the average-daily-attendance money the school gets from the government.

Fine details should trickle out once the r&f voting on the proposal starts.

EDIYOT'S NOTE: And when all the teachers and kids are back in school, the students will still not learn how to read and write and how to do simple math. But the teachers are getting a raise.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

You are right Howie. That being said, it does not matter. The district collects Average Daily Attendance money from the government. They then shell it out to members of the public employee unions who use it to buy political favors. Actually teaching the students to read, write and function in society has absolutely NOTHING to do with the equation. If it happens by accident once in a while that's nice, but it is not the object of the exercise. Distribution of government money (taxpayer's money) to obtain political power is what it is all about. Public education in the formerly great state of California has been a sick sad joke for at least 20 years, maybe 30 years.