Monday, August 05, 2019


by Bob Walsh

A shooter wearing body armor and carrying spare ammo opened up in a "night life" area of Dayton, Ohio about 1 a.m. on Sunday morning.

The Oregon Historic Neighborhood is full of bars, restaurants and theaters. it is generally considered to be a friendly, safe area.

The shooter managed to kill nine people with a .223 caliber rifle before he was shot to death by the cops. The cops responded almost instantly to the shooting and engaged the shooter very quickly. The sound of the music in the area may have tended to muffle the sound of shots to many people.

At least 27 people were known to be injured in this incident, though many of the injuries were minor.

The cops have not yet released the name of the dead shooter. For all I care he can rot in anonymity.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The shooter was identified as Connor Betts. He was able to fire dozens of shots with a .223-caliber high capacity rifle with a 100-round drum magazine. The police wasted him within 30 seconds as he was about to enter a crowded nightclub because they happened to be in the immediate area. Betts also killed his sister.

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