Saturday, August 03, 2019


by Bob Walsh

There is a video making the rounds of a relatively young white man attacking a relatively older white man outside of the Trump rally in Ohio Thursday. The young man seemed to be calling the older man a "racist fuck" while the brief attack went on. Several bystanders intervened to protect the victim briefly while several cops grabbed the young asshole, hooked him up and took his happy ass away.

It look like the older guy's glasses might have been broken in the process and he might have caught some modest injury to the face in the process.

I hope they prosecute the little shit to the full extent of the law. He MAY have just exited an unattended red pickup truck in the video shot before the fight started. With luck the cops towed it and he will get a humongus towing and storage bill for his trouble.

Civility is, or at least should be, a two way street.

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