Wednesday, August 07, 2019


by Bob Walsh

That is a functional definition of the legislature of the formerly great state of California. There are democrap supermajorities in both houses. All constitutional offices are democraps. The Republicans, are, at best, a chihuahua nipping at the heels of a pack of jackals.

Among other reactions of this august body of scumbags is a reintroduced plan to institute a $25 transfer tax on all firearms purchases, and an additional sales tax on small arms ammunition. These taxes will, at least in theory, go to the California Violence Intervention and Prevention Grant Programs.

"While Washington refuses to take action, California can take a bold step forward to end gun violence. A $25 tax on firearms is a small amount for gun owners to pay to stem the tragic violence guns inflict on innocent Californians and will create a permanent and desperately needed funding source to reduce gun violence in our state."

The assholes who are pimping for this are a little fuzzy about exactly how extracting more money from honest,, law abiding gun owners is going to "stem the tragic violence" and the assertion that guns inflict this tragic violence is obvious horseshit. I am fairly certain that never in the history of the formerly great state of California has a gun ever inflicted violence on anybody. People using guns have on occasion done so. The guns don't do so by themselves.

But why let a good crisis go to waste. Truth be damned.

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