Tuesday, November 12, 2019


by Bob Walsh

OK, the term is somewhat redundant. I didn't quite get the dude's name, it was something like Jackson Kiernon. He is a grad student and sometimes adjunct professor at U. C. Berkeley. He recently wrote a tweet, which the chickenshit has since taken down, saying that people who live in rural areas are basically dumb shit bastards because they live in rural areas. He thinks the rural-agrarian lifestyle is essentially a myth and that cities NEED the support so that people who do not live in cities should move to cities and get their shit together. I guess we can get robots to run the farms.

I am an urbanite. I am comfortable with concrete under my feet and with real doctors and real hospitals nearby, for a number of personal and practical reasons. I do not, however, knock those who do not feel as I feel.

And I oppose arrogant dickheads on general principles.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

Bob, I feel the same way as you. The concrete crop around here is growing fast. If it wasn't for the Houston Medical Center, my kids, grandkids and a few friends, I would be moving to greener pastures.