Who Ever Would Have Guessed That Could Happen ?
by Bob Walsh
It seems that small and medium size businesses in the People's Republic of San Francisco are having a hard time staying in business due to property crimes, often burglaries, which are routinely ignored by the cops.
Bars and restaurants are chief among these targets. They have to keep a certain amount of money on hand, as well as booze.
S F has the highest per-capita property crime rate of any major city in the U. S. And the count if actually DOWN from last year.
I wonder what effect, if any, the new I DON'T BELIEVE IN PROSECUTING CRIMINALS district attorney will have come January? Many of the burglars are repeat offender career criminals who do only brief stays in custody and then come out to return to their regular job, which is stealing your shit.
The people elected the new DA. They can live with it.
The idiot voters in San Francisco don’t see it that way. They think the problems in sf are related to racial profiling by police, a racist criminal justice system, not protecting illegal alien criminals from ice, and asking for bail when people are arrested for violent felonies.
George Gascon was a radical nut job, Chesa Boudin makes Gascon look sane.
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