6 killed, 2 wounded in Mexican prison riot
Associated Press
October 30, 2019
MEXICO CITY -- Six inmates are dead and two are injured following a riot at a prison in Morelos state, just south of Mexico City.
Prisoners took four guards hostage, but they were apparently rescued unharmed.
The Morelos state interior secretary said the riot started Wednesday morning, and control of the facility was re-established a few hours later.
Pablo Ojeda said hundreds of police and military surrounded the penitentiary and trained dogs were used to regain control of the facility located just south of the city of Cuernavaca.
Local media reported one of the dead was an operator for the Jalisco drug cartel.
Everyone knows who runs a Mexican prison and it's not the government.
Mexico is teetering on the edge of being a failed state. The drug cartels are a more coherent form of government than the official government right now. Not very nice, but coherent.
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