By Howie Katz
Big Jolly Times
February 3, 2020
The NFL disgraced itself by the way it handled the disgraceful way its players showed their disrespect for flag and country by refusing to stand for the National Anthem. The players had followed Colin Kaepernick’s protest against police brutality.
For the 2016 Stupor Bowl, the NFL allowed Beyoncé to honor the infamous Black Panther Party during her halftime performance. The Panthers she honored were a bunch of thugs who committed armed robberies and killed cops. They have become folk heroes for providing breakfasts to children in Oakland.
I say the NFL allowed Beyoncé to honor the Panthers because Commissioner Roger Goodell had to know in advance of the game that she was going to do so. He could have told her to cut out that part of her performance.
Now for Super Bowl LIV, The NFL has outdone itself by fueling hatred of the police. Goodell’s league is sponsoring a series of a public service announcements featuring black men killed by the police. The first one was shown Sunday during the game. It featured Corey Jones who was killed by a Florida cop. This appears to be the result of the league’s partnership with Jay Z as the PSAs are his doing.
Unfortunately, there have been some police shootings of black men that were not justified. But the overwhelming number of shootings by cops of blacks were unquestionably righteous.
What Roger Goodell and the NFL is doing to satisfy Jay Z is simply outrageous and unforgivable. Calling attention to black men killed by cops will not only fuel a hatred of the police, but it will also inspire more people, both black and white, to hate cops.
The NFL justified the PSAs produced in collaboration with Jay Z’s Roc Nation by this statement: “The NFL is fortunate to have an incredible platform and with this platform, we have the opportunity to help create positive change and work toward social justice for all of our communities.” Positive change, my ass! All the NFL is doing with its PSAs is to endanger the lives of this country’s police officers.
Let’s not forget there have been far more cops ambushed and killed by black men than black men killed unjustly by the police. A series of PSAs about cops killed while protecting and serving the public would have been a much more appropriate choice for the NFL to show.
How about PSAs on Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Michael J. Smith, Brent Thompson and Patrick Zamarripa, the five Dallas cops who were ambushed and gunned down on July 7, 2016 by a supporter of the New Black Panther Party? Then there are the other cops murdered in the line of duty. From 1980–2018, an average of 85 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed each year. How about PSAs on those cops instead of PSAs on those killed by the police.
We, not only cops, should all find some way to make the NFL regret what it has become - a cesspool of unpatriotic players and cop hatred.
Just my opinion but, It's probably cheaper to provide these PSA's for the NFL black players than have them all standing during the National Anthem or walking. You can bet there is a deal built in there somewhere. As far as cops go, they can stop providing security for the NFL until it stops. Where is the FOP? All it would take is to refuse to work one Super bowl. They probably already know where it's going to be played. But they won't do that. What do you call that?
I am perhaps not as strident as is Howie, but I pretty much agree. Like it or not, the NFL is an American institution. They practically OWN one day of the week for about 1/3 of the year. Seeing them buying into a radical political agenda is bothering to me.
So a few shootings of black men is unfortunate, but unflattering police commercials is outrageous and unforgivable. Seems to be a skewed standard.
No it's not a skewed standard, especially since it puts the lives of cops in danger.
Anon, why don't you Google up Big Jolly Times and repeat your comment there. More people will see it.
I'll bet the few black men who were shot would think the cops put their life in danger, they probably wouldn't agree that a commercial is more outrageous than their being shot.
Maybe the police should do a commercial explaining why their feelings are more important than the general public's safety. Just a thought.
I also fail the see how a commercial puts cops lives in danger. Maybe you could explain it to me.
Very simply Anon, those PSAs fuel hatred of the police and cop haters have been ambushing and assassinating police officers during the anti- police culture we find ourselves in. Those PSAs only increase the number of cop haters and if you can't see how that endangers the lives of police officers, then you have shit for brains.
BGB, If you can't see why all the illegal and/or immoral actions of cops have caused the issue then you're an idiot and have no idea of how to be look at an issue honestly.
Anon, there are 800,000 law enforcement officers in the U.S. putting their lives on the line to protect the public, including shit for brains like you. Of that number, a very small percentage are cops who do bad things.
You can call me an idiot, but I do not have shit for brains.
Anon, Please do the research about police shootings. The numbers have been skewed by Black Lives Matter and others. The Harvard research debunked the BLM distortions. The truth isn't what the media wants to print so they print sensationalism. It sells. It also gets cops killed.
You have been led down the wrong path by fake news. I hope you can find your way back. Google it and the truth will set you free. Remember, Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.
Hey anon, what is your problem? Did a cop scare you when you were eight years old? Was your big brother arrested the night before he was supposed to take you to see Star Wars? You clearly have some issues with ALL cops, not just the small number who are dishonest, incompetent or downright criminal. If you had any integrity you would put your name to your screeds rather than throw water balloons from behind the hedge. But don't worry. The thin blue line will continue to protect your sorry ass.
This is fun, Bob were you bullied as a child so you became a cop? I think it's called the big nut syndrome. I"m not sure how thinking innocent people being shot and killed by cops is a bigger issue than a TV commercial, means I have problems with ALL cops. But sure change the subject.
Trey, maybe you should do some research instead of making up facts. Criminal justice statistics show that police officers killed as a result of crime has been falling since 1970. That's in real numbers not % of police officers, the number of officers has almost doubled so the % has really gone down. These stats aren't fake news.
And of course BGB (the idiot), I agree a small % of police do bad things, guess what a small % of the population do bad things. My point is that it's the bad cops that have caused the issue, just as in your mind all the civilians are out to get you.
Lastly, I don't have issue with any cops. Most that I've met have been pretty nice people. I just disagree that a commercial is worse than killing innocent people.
Sorry anon dude, but I would have, as I said MUCH MORE RESPECT for your opinion if you didn't hide behind the hedge. For all I know you are Hillary Clinton. But you have a nice life. Obey the law and the cops probably won't shoot you. Probably.
Bob, I have zero use for your respect. Keep beating those suspects so you can get that hard on.
Anon, I'm not going to allow Bob to dignify your crap anymore.
Suit yourself, you guys are the ones that started the name calling
Anon, statements like "Bob were you bullied as a child so you became a cop?" and "Keep beating those suspects so you can get that hard on" is not name calling, but you obviously don't know the difference.
While I welcome your comments on BGB, no more comments from you or anyone else will be accepted for this post.
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