Monday, February 03, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Bernie Sanders is at this stage a serious contender for the Democrat nomination for President. He is leading in California, that is the biggest brass ring.

Bernie is, at least when he is talking himself, making conciliatory noises. He talks about a "multi-racial, multi-generational movement" that will, in the end, transform the country with him at the big desk.

His supporters, however, seem to have different ideas and are not shy about expressing them. Rashida Tlaib booed the Hildebeast from stage on Friday night. Alexandria Occasionally Correct has expressed that, "We aren't pushing the party left, we are taking the party home." His own supporters (not flunkies either) have expressed the idea that if they outlaw private property it will save the trouble of killing all the landlords.

The Bernie Bros are DEMANDING that the party united behind Bernie, but are not wildly interesting in expressing a lot of interest in unity themselves. It is sort of a MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY mentality.

Michael "the slug" Moore has openly expressed the ideas that, if it looks like Bernie may actually bring it home, the party leadership will somehow torpedo him like they did in 2016.

One thing for sure, if Bernie shows respectably in Iowa, NH and Nevada and does not totally crash and burn in South Carolina, and then makes a good score on Super Tuesday on March 3, the DNC is going to have some serious soul-searching to do. Do you get behind Bernie and hope that Trump gets run over by a beer truck, or kick Bernie to the curb and risk the Bernie Bros staying home, or even voting for Trump in protest?

Ain't politics fun?


Trey Rusk said...

I hate politics. Now I'm participating. A couple of months ago I called the City Manager of the 2 horse town that I live in. An assistant called me back. I'd prefer to speak with the real city manager. The message was relayed. Nothing.

You can find me on Face book. Elect Trey Rusk to Dickinson City Council Position 1.

So There.

bob walsh said...

Way to go Trey.